Monday, November 30, 2009

Method 7

Social bookmarking could have advantages - I can see where it could broaden what I have personally found and give me other options to look at. This in turn will broaden what I am able to give to my students as resources. This is a plus.

One thing I did not see discussed was is it possible to undo someones tags. If we are only able to add and not have to worry about anything being undone this would be a useful tool in the work market and for students who are researching a topic.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, regarding your question about undoing someone's tags -- I'm assuming that your question pertains to Delicious, since that's the main tool covered in this method. I think the only tags you are ever allowed to edit or delete are your own tags in Delicious. As far as other social sites that allow tagging, I believe the same is true. I don't think tagging would have become as popular as it has if people were able to edit or delete other people's tags. :-) Now, there may be exceptions made by site administrators if offensive/inappropriate tags are included on a site that does not allow them. But for the most part, no one can delete tags unless they are the original tag author.
